municipalities in liège artinya
- municipalities: kotamadya; munisipalitas
- liège: liège; liège (province); belgia; negeri belgia
- municipalities of liège (province): munisipalitas di liège
- battle of liège: pertempuran liège
- liège (province): liège
- liège airport: lapangan terbang liege
- liège cathedral: katedral liège
- liège province: liège (provinsi)
- republic of liège: republik liège
- university of liège: universitas liège
- 2011 liège attack: serangan liège 2011; penyerangan liège 2011
- prince-bishopric of liège: keuskupan-kepangeranan liège
- standard liège players: pemain standard liège
- standard liège squad: skuad standard liège; skuat standard liège
- roman catholic diocese of liège: keuskupan liège